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AKIT22 Duster kit

AKIT22 Duster kit
Usa la rotella di scorrimento del mouse per ingrandire l'immagine

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39,20 Iva inclusa (22%)

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 8,39 Iva inclusa (22%)Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: 58320
Marca: AEG
U.M.: PZ
Qtà minima ordinabile: 1
Suction powered dusting for effortless cleaning

Minimal dust re-emission into air

Suction power together with static electricity effectively removes dust with minimal dust re-emission into the air.

Easy Reach

The duster nozzle is flexible for easy reach behind and around things without moving them around. The flexible tube adds extra reach.

Delicate cleaning

The soft fabric cover allows effortless cleaning of delicate surfaces in your home without the risk of damage. Clean computer screens, plant leaves and other delicate surfaces with piece of mind.

Secure cleaning

The duster will not suck in any items and therefore,allows you to clean jewelry or Lego boxes without the risk of losing any items.

Changeable covers

The fluffy covers are changeable and machine wachable to enable easy and simple cleaning. One extra cover comes in the pack (2 covers in total).



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