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2-Port KVM Switch Nero

2-Port KVM Switch Nero
Usa la rotella di scorrimento del mouse per ingrandire l'immagine

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135,70 Iva inclusa (22%)

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 14,28 Iva inclusa (22%)Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: 30624
Marca: ATEN
U.M.: PZ
Qtà minima ordinabile: 1

The CS22DP 2-Port USB DisplayPort Cable KVM Switch is a control unit that allows access to two computers from a single USB and DisplayPort console (keyboard, video and mouse) with audio. With the CS22DP, you can quickly and effortlessly switch between two DisplayPort computers using a convenient remote port selector pushbutton.

The CS22DP supports multiplatform operations allowing you to switch between two PC’s running different operating systems. Moreover, the compact design allows for an efficient and tidy installation, providing an ideal space-saving solution to keep your desk well-organized.

It’s fast and easy to set up the CS22DP. Simply plug the KVM cables into their respective ports on the CS22DP and on the computers. There is no need to install software or configure devices – just plug and play.



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